In April a majority of the Counties within Leinster announced a host of new Webinar Series.

These Webinars will be ongoing for the months of May and June at the very least, and a reflective of the ‘new normal’. The will all be easily trackable under the #LeinsterLearning on Social Media. A majority of the session are open to all Coaches, so we encourage everyone to get involved in any that catch their interest.

Speaking about the move to a more technological way of coaching Leinster Games Development Manager Alan Mulhall paid tribute to the Coaching Staff; “The ability of all our staff to adapt to the current situation we find ourselves in has been exemplary” said Mulhall. “From day one it has been a case of people rolling their sleeves up and getting stuck into a new way of working”. To this he added that “We are lucky as an organisation that our Community Identity is one that is easy transferable to online platforms. The appetite for these webinars has been huge, with the numbers tuning in right across the province far surpassing what we expected”

Also finding the silver lining in the current situation was our Leinster Games Development Manager James Devane. “One thing this current Pandemic has given us is time. By this I mean the time to reflect and evaluate on what we have being doing, but also to up-skill ourselves in order to come out of it far better coaches when we return to normal. These webinar series are the perfect example of just that”

A full list of what is on offer over the coming weeks can be seen above. Don’t forget to track everything under the #LeinsterLearning and keep an eye on our social media pages for regular updates.