In Leinster we have been consistently imbedding our TURAS coaching principles into everything we do over the last three years. This is something we will continue to do, as we believe they are fundamental to the delivery of quality coaching.

As part of our offering to coaches in Leinster, we are now providing the additional support of coaching clinics. The coaching clinic is designed to focus on your reality, what are the challenges, issues, problems that you currently experience when coaching your team.

Coaching is not always black and white and context is always key. This program is about giving you the coach options to try out to help improve your coaching based on your needs and circumstances

To avail of the coaching clinic, we ask you the Coach to submit a query or issue you are looking to address using the online form Here.

The questions should be based around a specific area of coaching that you are looking to develop. They can be based on the activity’s you coach, how you coach or trying to better understand who you are coaching. Here are some sample questions to illustrate this;

What you coach – A lot of the players take a play of the ball as soon as they gain possession, what can I do to encourage them to utilise their steps before taking a play of the ball?

How you coach – I want to involve my players more in debriefing activities but I cannot seem to get them to engage, what can I do to improve this?

Who you coach – I have two players in particular that when they are playing against perceived stronger players, they withdraw from the games and do not perform to the level that I know they can play at. Is there anything I can do to help them?

When questions are submitted, they will be allocated to our team of professional and experienced coach developers who will work with coaches on providing the best options available to help address the coach’s needs. We aim to provide an offering, throughout team of provincial coach developers, to all coaches’ questions, either in a video format or a bespoke one to one online mentoring session.


Submit your query Here.