Leinster GAA Announce TURAS Seminars

By johnhaughney Tue 22nd Oct

Leinster GAA Announce TURAS Seminars
Leinster GAA Announce TURAS Seminars

Leinster GAA are proud to announce two Provincial TURAS Seminar days will be held this November. These days will focus on the TURAS principles and how best to apply them in the practical environment. The first Seminar will be focused on Child Players (ages 4-11) while the second date will look at the Youth Players (ages 11-17). Both Seminars will be held in the new National Indoora Arena in the National Sports Campus Abbotstown.

These seminars are an opportunity for as many of those coaches as possible to come together, share ideas and continue their coaching journey. Speaking about the Seminars and the TURAS Programme itself Leinster GAA Learning & Development Co-Ordinator Colm Clear said

“Turas has been an extremely successful programme for us over the last number of years. Through it we have been able to engage with hundreds of coaches and have supplied them with age appropriate guidance and one to one support. In 2019 alone we have worked with over 2,500 Coaches across the Province.”

“The seminar itself will provide coaches with a collective learning experience. They will be surrounded by coaches facing the same challenges and dealing similar age groups as themselves. On the day they will learn about new ideas in a practical setting, while also being guided by our Games Development Staff on their current coaching practices. Feedback we have taken from previous collective learning days have shown the benefit of the group dynamic, so attendees will take something valuable from the experience.”

The TURAS Child Seminar will take place on Saturday 16th November with the Youth Seminar on Saturday 30th November.

For full details on both course and to register Click Here

The day’s will commence at 9:30am and finish at 2:00pm. The seminar will have a mixture of speakers and practical sessions to assist coaches in applying the TURAS principles to enhance and maximise their coaching practice.

Tickets for both Seminars are free but are restricted to 2 per applicant.


By johnhaughney Tue 22nd Oct

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